Our Story

I am married, to my husband of 19 years, and we have a 9 year old son. Our boy keeps us busy with sports and school, and we have 2 pups, a Weimaraner and Rottweiler that are either trying to lick our face or eat our house.
I have always loved fashion and it has been a lifelong dream to run my own women's clothing boutique. As a tall, long torso woman it has always been a challenge to find clothes that I love in sizes that fit the way I want. On numerous occasions I found a great shirt, or an awesome pair of jeans just to realize its not available in my size. I've always had the thought that what women need is a store that has the unique styles, and the unique sizes. This has been the inspiration behind McKenzie Brown Boutique. I want to bring you women's fashion that you can find in your size.
Confidence is key, and I've seen what a new shirt can do. I hope McKenzie Brown Boutique can help you find the clothes that bring you confidence today, and in the future.